E.M. 9/28/06 Post-class post.
Umberto Eco just happened to be my pick - I was the envy of some of my class mates/ Eco is easy to understand or easier compared to some of the others.
This is an interesting article:
The Mosque to Commerce
Bin Laden's special complaint with the World Trade Center.
By Laurie Kerr
Posted Friday, Dec. 28, 2001, at 11:58 AM ET
Bin Launden's choice of Targets this article brings yet anothe piece of information into the mix. Yamasaki is the architect for the World Trade Center as well as the architect for the Dhahran Air Terminal.
Zizek's Terrorism article is like a trailer for a big budget disaster movie. Unfortunatly the hero does not get the people out alive. My take on this whole 911 tragety. Americans do not like un-happy endings between our disnification and our absolute inability to accept that people die sometimes tragically we ignore things. Unfortunatly until something of monumental proportions such as 911 happen for us to wake up. Then we have to make war one somebody. Terrosism is a frame of mine - a mind easy to mold mind and quick talking idealogue and you have a budding terrosist. That's just the first step. People are just dying to believe in something.
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