Pre-class post September 18 E.M.
I traveled this weekend - the terror threat level was orange - I thought that threat level orange matched nicely with my luggage which was a teal blue. Standing in line digging through my luggage looking for liquid items to throw in the garbage - I began to think you know these terroists know how to kill the buzz of flying. Exploding shoe bomber who want to click their heels togeather and blow up planes and this one man with a myopic zeal causes me to take off my shoes and send them through the x-ray machine. Getting on the plane and buckling up with screaming kids and no room I started the ride to Indianapolis - one hour and fourty-five min. later I'm in the mid-west. I had a marvelous time walking around down town Indy - identifying buildings to my traveling companions - oh look its urban-urbanism of the parking garage which was nicely hidden to look like a row of pastel colored store fronts. The middle of the four way main down town of the city has the art center suspended like a large flying saucer in the very middle of the intersection - I'm not sure what to call this - Anmnesis/double coding - because it definitly sticks out in a city that is full of a vast array of archetecture. Lots of Radical ececticism in the Indian museum. Tradition reinterpreted in many of the other down down buildings. It seems the flat mid-western land scape crys out for interesting buildings. New rhetorical fiures with slick fifties esq buildings looking futuristic in a fifties reinvented kind of way.
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