After class post E.M. 10/31
“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas: i.e., the class which is the ruling material force of society is at the same time its ruling intellectual force. The class which has the means of material production at its disposal, consequently also controls the means of mental production” (39) Marx
Yes this is true superficially of course – yet, there are under-ground movements – To believe that culture moves in just one direction is to be blind. Not to be one to go against the intellect of a man such as Marx. We see hip-hop, rap and urban slang now a significant part of our main-stream culture. Then I would imagine Marx countering by saying-- once these mediums start to make money – they became commodities thus earning a place in the “material force of society”. The "dominate ruling forces of society" may choose how to handle the money. Who makes trends happen – the fashion industry – it that were the case then all couture designers would be successful. Often times fashion or at least “cutting edge” fashion is found on the streets in the clubs – then copied and marketed. It takes the ruling upper levels of society to recognize the money making capabilities and shall I say capitalize on them. It’s not the shoho party girl making millions on her Saturday night ensam. It is the stylist from Manhattan with the camera/phone who emails the pictures to his boss. And the owners of that company make millions copying the design.
A new term has been coined about a mega-media star Oprah Winfrey called the Oprahfication of America. She influences books sales –fashion –cosmetics – even the beef industry had a “cow” and tried to sue her when she did a show on mad-cow disease. The reason is that the sale of beef noticeably decreased in the days after her show aired. That is power. Now it seems that Oprah on most occasions use her powers for good. Building homes for Katrina victims, telling women how to get the right fit on their bra. She has found the pulse of our American viewing public – mostly women and tapped into to it. Through the use of media – her television show and her magazines she is now shaping our intellectual ideas – what we read--- i.e. the Oprah book club. A black woman raised in poverty in the Deep South – Oprah did not start out in the ruling hegemony. Now she is a major player. I believe it is because she appeals to the soccer moms and the urban moms equally. It seems our American buying public needs to feel a sense of connection to the person who is selling them something. I must say the creepy Burger King guy mystifies me. Mickey Mouse – represents Disney’s billions – a big friendly Rat. Children feel an instant connection to the Disney characters. Children want – Disney movies, clothes, toys, books games. And the ultimate-- Magical Vacation. OK Marx you’re right – the “ruling material force of society is at the same time its ruling intellectual force”
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