Postmodern Culture

Everything you want to know about postmodernism, postmodernity, and postmodern culture. Your guide to achieving postmodern literacy from The Notorious Dr. Rog and the class of ENG 335 at Rollins College.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

AM Eco

Even as I think about writing this blog, I have a hard time trying to get past the idea that no matter what I write, it will only be a second-hand interpretation of the real thing. It will be my authentic senses and my authentic feelings narrowed down to the humble words I call up to describe them. The words themselves are only descriptions of the sensations I once felt.

I think Umberto Eco needs to relax. Yes, yes his commentary on the, "realism of the reconstruction" (201) is an interesting perspective on the organized manipulations of Disney, but really, how will we really know what Disney's true intentions were. Were his intentions to create fantastic lands that pull of away from reality? Were his intentions to capitalize on that notion? If so, then what's so wrong with that?

Yes, yes, the "levels of illusion are numerous" but isn't it just art? Aren't we suspending our disbelief because we WANT to...because we PAID to. I think Eco notions are important to know and understand as contributing memebers to a postmodern culture, however I think this only furthers my curiosity. Why, then, is it necessary for Americans (or humans in general) to have value reproductions rather than the real -because it's convenient. What is it about ourselves that finds value in these things? So, c'mon, Eco....what else ya got?


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