Postmodern Culture

Everything you want to know about postmodernism, postmodernity, and postmodern culture. Your guide to achieving postmodern literacy from The Notorious Dr. Rog and the class of ENG 335 at Rollins College.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

AM pre-9/12 class

What is postmodernism?

According to Habermas, postmodernism is charachterized by a manifesto of consciousness -especially that of time. There is, he says, an emphasis placed on society's fast paced instability and value placed in the transitory.

Lyotard says,
"No industry is possibly without a suspicison of the Aristotelan theory of motion, no industry without a refutation of corporatism, of mercantilism, and of physiocracy. Modernity, in whatever age it appears, connot exist without a shattering of belief and without discovery of the 'lack of reality' of reality, together with the invention of other realities." (43)

Soooo. These guys think that postmodernists are searching for a center or "real" reality. Or maybe I'm just assuming the binary opposite here: if there is no center (or reality), then we must be searching for a center (or reality). Center of art? literature? humanity? conciousness?

Really, isn't this just about perspective?

Not long ago I was reading the jacket of a Steve Wonder CD (yes, I still buy them) I can remember the story....It was similar to Prof. Rog's Madonna-on-TV-in-a-South-American-shanty story, however, this time a music critic paid homage the artist -stating you know an artist has "hit it big" when ...on a trip to Africa, a young boy was seen carrying a transitor radio and in the breaks of static (the critic) could hear the oh-so-familiar guitar and vocals of Stevie Wonder's song, "Superstitious."

To the critic this was the pinnacle of success. To Prof. Rog. it might have been a great example of exploitation and influence. Which to me is kind of like saying, "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."

It's all about perspective.


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