Postmodern Culture

Everything you want to know about postmodernism, postmodernity, and postmodern culture. Your guide to achieving postmodern literacy from The Notorious Dr. Rog and the class of ENG 335 at Rollins College.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Deep Thunder - 9/19

I found it very helpful to do a praxis reading of the photograph that notorious Rog brought in of the industrial McDonald’s scene. So many things came to mind now that would have never before this class. The class is distorting my view a bit, in fact, right now I am sitting at my computer in the biggest construct of pastiche that the world has ever known and listening to Dave Matthew’s commentary on what’s f’d up about how I got here this morning. But before that it was just Disney and Dave Mathews. Though I have always been appalled by commercialism, I never realized the deep theory and psychology behind our “march of ants.” It no longer seems like conspiracy theories reminiscent of the x-files or the Matrix to think that we are being manipulated almost constantly. But it seems that besides the motivation of profit, no one is attempting to explain why. Why are we so corralled into this march? We are being distracted, and now we know with what, but from what and for what purpose? Is there a bit of “Wag the Dog” going on here? If I keep concentrating on the next product, what am I taking my eyes off? Family, friends? It is a very disturbing image when you look at the modern home. A TV for everyone, so that no one is communicating with anyone, just receiving messages from the media and its sponsors. And this breakdown of the family causes weakness and more compliance. It seems like a waste of humanity, like if you look close enough you will see it sucking the life out of us like the Dark Crystal from Gelflings, leaving nothing but dried up consumers with no communications skills or real relationships.


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