E.M. After Class Post 8/29
Going into last class I was feeling a bit - off kilter. Concerned that I was not understanding the text. In the middle of the class my visual brain got it and went ahh. In the power point presentation the pictures of the radical ececticism and architecture. From the Jencks text "the mixing of different languages to engage different taste cultures and define differerent functions according to their appropriate mood" (283) Seeing these concepts put into action was a light bulb. To keep with the same architechture would mean stagnation and the eye would become bored. I am enthralled with the different concepts that continue to be developed in art and architecture. In a sense observing the buildings made me understand the concept of the signified and and signifier. I become an active part of my world the observer vs the observed. I imagine that post-modern culture is a hands on process. The concept that the reader, viewer or the observer is a passive participant is an out-worn concept. I intuitivly understand this - because I feel the difference in how my brain works when I read Coetze vs Faulkner. You color the text with your own lens/it becomes part of all of your past and present realities. vs someone else might have an entirely different experience. The concept of only one specfic reality becomes obselete.
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