MC 8/29
It was extremely helpful (and intriguing) to see architectural examples of postmodern concepts through Dr. Rog's Power Point slides of Rotterdam. The buildings reminded me of some of the architecture that I encountered in Japan during my 2 week stay in 2005. As I plow through my postmodern readings, I recognize more and more elements of postmodernism that made me wish I had taken this class prior to my trip.

After viewing Dr. Rog's powerpoint slides I had to wonder, if I was in the mindset of de Saussure or Macherey what else could I potentially be overlooking?
I think the architectural examples were perfect in representing the concept of doing away with the "universal" theme or the intended meaning by the author (in this case, the architect). The essence of a building cannot simply be cornered into an explanation of what the architect had intended but really, it depends on what the public viewer interprets. As Macherey says, "What is important in the work is what it does not say". Since the architect nor his work speak for itself, what's important is the viewing of the interpreter.
Some interesting pix--thanks for sharing.
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