PetalswiththeWind 09/26/2006
Take simulacrum “with a grain of salt!”
All living matter originates from a cell. Farcically, the birth of simulacra is conceived in the same way; “The real is produced from miniaturized cells… and can be reproduced an indefinite number of times” (Baudrillard 454). Baudrillard persists further by undeniably declaring, “Never again will the real have a chance to produce itself”. Now even reality has expectations to live up to, warped ones, due to the inescapable mental invasion of the media. Recognizable reality, familiarized truths are derived from print media, the internet, television, and film. Media sets expectations for reality disabling it from functioning in its own rite. Ritualistic performances are hypnotically processed without a “grain” of original foresight; what Baudrillard describes as “operational”. Reality has to exist beyond itself, living as part of the hyper real. Synthesized signs, images and representations are misconstrued as an innate part of mankind, adapted as part of the natural human phenomenon. Meaning, independent of predisposed ideas is infinite on its own; complications arise with the idealization of truths.
According to Baudrillard, idealizations no longer exist, because they are substituted as fact, thus, becoming truth. Simulacrum is metaphorically the Universe staring at itself in a mirror, ensuring its tangibility. Nothing will appear in its reflection unless it’s popularized. The good news is (believe it or not there is good news), accordingly there should be no fear of being the “unusual”, because it will eventually become a trend, leaving no one out. The eclectic and esoteric will be the same referent, if it’s not already. On the contrary if no one else “gets it”, then one can actually be an “original”! Furthermore, if enough simulacra is concentrated, it is possible to reassemble or reconstruct multiple truths; there was never just one ideal to begin with anyways!
Joke: What besides mail is sorted, classified, stamped, labeled, delivered, and distributed?
Punch Line: Human Beings
Punch Line: Human Beings
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