Postmodern Culture

Everything you want to know about postmodernism, postmodernity, and postmodern culture. Your guide to achieving postmodern literacy from The Notorious Dr. Rog and the class of ENG 335 at Rollins College.

Monday, October 23, 2006

CL Foucault

Oh good Lord. Where to begin? I guess I'll just dive right in with some of my favorite lines from Foucault. To begin with:

:Thus sex gradually became an object of great suspicion; the general and disquieting meaning that pervades out conduct and our existence, in spite of ourselves; the point of weakness where evil portens reach through to us; the fragment of darkness that we each carry within us: a general signification, a universal secret, on ominpresent cause, a fear that never ends" (pg 105).

Well, I, for one, agree. Sex is shrouded in mystery- atleast in our Western culture. Why sex may be everytwhere- television, magazines, billboards, walking down the street in minskirts- there is still the mystery of it. What is it about sex that makes it "mean" so much. Does sex reveal us for who we truly are? For what our deepest desries really are? Are people just afraid to truly know themselves, and more that just that, afraid of what they may discover about themselves? Foucault goes on to say:

"And so, in this 'question' of sex...two processes emerge, the one always conditioning the other: we demand that sex speak the truth (but, since it is the secret and is oblivisous to its own nature, we reserve for ourselves the function of telling the truth of tis truth, revealed and deciphered at last), and we demand that is tell us out truth, or rather, the deeply buried truth of that truth about ourselves wich we think we possess in our immediate consciousness" (pg 105).

That's a whole lot of truth. So, do we? I know that people use sex as a way to measure their reltionships with others. Some use it as a meter of popularity, others use it as a way to express their emotions towards someone they care about. But the question I am asking is this, why can sex not just simply be sex? An act between two indivduals who do what humans have been doing since the beginning of time. Does everything we do as people have to be shrouded in mystery, and therefore, essentially, a question? I for one do not believe that everything we do, sexually or otherwise, reveals our inner-most desries. Sometimes people just get drunk.


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