Postmodern Culture

Everything you want to know about postmodernism, postmodernity, and postmodern culture. Your guide to achieving postmodern literacy from The Notorious Dr. Rog and the class of ENG 335 at Rollins College.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Edited Version of PetalswiththeWind Baudrillard (Ohhh I love Baudrillard, he is sooooooooo Peachy! ;0)

Absorbed as science, simulacrum prevails, attempting to preserve appearances for the outsiders looking in, to entertain. Sporadic various moments of truth fused in with fiction and fantasy, in order to replace reality (Baudrillard 456-457). The potency in potential of an individual is weakened; for the truth is distorted with simulated emotion prior to what could be an original experience. Baudrillard declares, “Lockdown and control increase in direct proportion to (and undoubtedly even faster than) liberating potentialities” (479). Perspectives are often all for show, benefiting the observers the most, rather than the genuine life “experimenter”. With the elimination of simulation, one can actually experience reality as it is happening, without predispositions. Emotions that simulate a reality before it can even occur limits energy and potential. Simulated reality’s gatekeeper is fear, blocking one’s fullest distinctive capacity. When one can not live up to the ideals that others put before him or her, it goes against that person’s inborn character. The persecutions for someone not fitting in, goes to the extent of society fostering simulated abnormal conditions, causing the persecuted to harbor feelings of abnormalities, thus, project symptoms (Baudrillard 454-455). Emotional conditioning based on the value system of another is restraint in its greatest form.

Would people rather take the whole world to bed with them, or their lover?
Then, human beings have the option not to be images or representations. According to the United States Constitution people have natural human rights to freely pursue happiness! When humans are given limited options disguised as totalities, all is not revealed. Meaning is infinite! The divulgence of partial facts restricts identities, in turn shaping and defining personalities. When intended messages are saturated with language that present limited choices; there is usually an ulterior motive in the benevolently skewed facts. Especially around the presence of the words said and the absence of the ones not mentioned. What lies beyond the mentionable in the land of the forbidden? One of the reasons for taboo is fear of particular actions of the people when all significations are thoroughly analyzed and examined. Controlling human being through options, halt, for the reasons that another has determined what is befitting is arbitrary, and really has no value except what society adds to it. Supplying totalizing conditions on what is “real” happiness is just an encompassing basis or cause for what is simulated.


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