Gary 10/31
I'm glad that I skipped on the trick or treating and made it to po-mo class tonite....would have been hard to understand Karl Marx without the Dr. Rog dissection. Actually, even with the explanation, I'm still confused about most of these theorists.
I find it interesting that we are reading more and more German theorists in this class. How come so many of their theories apply to American society so well? I may have my understanding of history construed, but didn't we go to war to destroy their ideology during WW II?
Marx talks about the Golden Rule....he who has the gold rules. How true is this in American society! The ones that lack the gold, are striving to attain it so they can become part of the hegemony.
With the elections less than a week away, we have been subjected to countless campaign ads that attempt to convince us that each candidate is for the "common" good of the people. Each politician has a plan to help and that he is there for us. As Marx said "Each new class which puts itself in the place of one ruling before it is present it's interest of all members of has to give its ideas the form of universality"(40). These ideas are so common that they are shared by everyone in society, not just the hegemony.
We are above this ideology because we are aware of the "readerly" and "writerly" text. I know what they want me to believe but will make my own decisions. Unfortunately, I am also a realist.....and I know what my vote will accomplish.
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