Postmodern Culture

Everything you want to know about postmodernism, postmodernity, and postmodern culture. Your guide to achieving postmodern literacy from The Notorious Dr. Rog and the class of ENG 335 at Rollins College.

Friday, September 01, 2006

CL 8/29 Post class

To begin with, I feel like there is so much we are learning in class that I have always wondered about, but never really knew how to make it make sense. Does this make sense? What I mean is that, I have had ideas before that were swirling around in my head but I could not fully recognize them or make them into coherent thoughts. For example, we live in a culture that is all about throw-backs to the last few decades before this one. All of our fashion is a twist on something that has come before us. This summer girls wore jeans that tappered at the ankle, or "skinny jeans" which are similar to what women wore in the 1950s, but with a new "spin." This leads me to wonder, has it all already been done?
In class we have been discussing just exactly what postmodernism is. While once again I do not know how to explain it, I understand it is all about building on and being influenced by things from the past and present. Kids were ironic mullets and mustaches, not because they are from the back woods of Georgia, but because they are commenting on society with their hair (as crazy as that may sound). I believe we are a generation of postmodernists, if not possibly post-postmondernists.
In class we learned about Macherey, and his theory on writing. One quote I found particularily interesting was "What is important in the work is what it does not say." Modernists believed to say it all. Hemmingway for example wrote everything and, as Dr. Roger commented, did so possibly "to a fault." The idea of reading between the lines or reading into a text is completely different than what Hemmingway was doing. I cannot help but wonder if things have gone to the extreme on the other side now. Do we look into things too much? Do we examine everything to the point of reading, analyzing, discussing, divulging, and digging and not seeing what is exactly in front of us? These are things I have been thinking about since class Tuesday night, and will continue to think about all weekend.
On a side note, that building with the plasma screen facade was bad ass.


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