As I sit here and contemplate the last 8 weeks of Postmodern theory, I can’t help but think that the more I learn, the less I know, and the less I know, the better off I think I am…hmmmmm. What did I just say?
I was interviewed last night for a film, which questioned the notion of “reality”. They asked: What is reality?
What a loaded question!
That’s a question for the Merry Pranksters…or…any one of our theorists, but definitely not me. Ask your self that question:
Does it make you want to drop (take LSD), and ponder the universe for like 12 hours…tiptoeing the fence of sanity, and possibly falling over to the dark side? It felt…I mean…I’m sure it would have felt, good to be in that realm of hyperreality, where one could escape the reality that we [consumers] run from, but yet enjoy it, through the reality the drug has created. H & A write, “It is indeed escape, but not, as it claims, escape from bad reality but from the “last thought of resisting that reality” (57). The postmodern “participant” should step onto, or into, the conveyance of a “hallucinatory confusion” (Eco 202). So if we all just went and picked some Cubensis, we would all just be jumping on the magic bus of postmodernism. Come join the electric Kool-Aid POMO test…
Did someone just say Kool-Aid? So what does Grape Kool-Aid taste like? Grapes….?
And, did we just go from Acid references to Simulacra…Yes we did…and it wouldn’t be hard to shift back and forth from the hallucinatory world of Timothy Leary to that of our Postmodern theorists.
Now is that not Keepn’ it… real?
“I never meant to give you mushrooms girl
I never meant to bring you to my world
But now your sitting in the corner crying
And now it's my fault- my fault” Eminem
Wow Steve - O you sound like a theorist, it's too late, they got ya. Kudos and Bravo, for your power of influence.
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