Postmodern Culture

Everything you want to know about postmodernism, postmodernity, and postmodern culture. Your guide to achieving postmodern literacy from The Notorious Dr. Rog and the class of ENG 335 at Rollins College.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

TyG - 10/2 - A PoMoPoetryMoment

mission impossible

our society today is going to hell
in a handbasket.

as students of postmodernism,
your task, should you choose
to accept it, is to understand
and describe the process.

our culture:

the western world these united(?) states
land of the free home of the brave
spreading our good-will and prosperity
(you will be assimilated; it is only a
matter of time).

the journey:

is there really a hell? if not, where ARE we going?
if so, what is it like? is there a simulacrum here
on earth? (pick a theme park, any theme park).
how does one qualify to get there? or not?

the handbasket:

materials (flesh and bone, concrete and steel,
coca-cola and television, guns, bombs, and threats --
sotto voce, of course);

workmanship (out-sourced india china sri lanka
eastern europe ireland israel the philippines)
hello my name is john wayne how may i help you?

quality (or lack thereof) -- just exactly
how fast IS this ship sinking?

the curse:

may you live in interesting times;
fullfilled in our lives.

joy. unspeakable joy.


Blogger blogsquatch said...

You are rocking it too, TyG with your rhyme, maybe we should form a group and freestyle our way to freedom. Cheers! Good Times!

10:08 AM  

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