Gary-Althusser & Marx
I'll attempt to say what I think Althusser is trying to convey, but I'll try to give my analysis without using the word IDEOLOGY twenty-two times on ONE PAGE!!! Here's my ideology, stop with the word IDEOLOGY so many times.
I agree with the Repressive State Apparatus and the Ideological State Apparatus. Unfortunately, (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) the repressive state will always have control. We that subscribe to the ideological state such as family, religion, education, politics, and culture will always find our "ideology" challenged or dominated by the repressive state. The repressive state is fine with my ideology as long as it does not differ from theirs.
This ideology is similar to the opinion of Karl Marx and the division of labor into mental and material. The repressive state represents the mental and the ideological manifests itself in the material. These theories align with our evolving two class society. The repressive state is eliminating the middle class as the gap widens between the "us" and "them". According to Marx, people escape the lower class during a revolution, but the victory is short because instead of making a change, they have raised themselves into the class that previously dominated them (40). Classes remain the same...just some of "us" become one of "them"..... and the gap widens as the cycle continues.
Oh, and me? I'm a "us" by definition, but I'm perfectly OK with it.
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