PetalswiththeWind Derrida (Pre-Class)
Almost holding my breathe waiting for a moment, not living the moment,
either stuck dwelling in the past, paralyzed from moving on or moving forward…
The minutes, hours, days, months, years, to pass...
Fast forwarding to the future...
In order for the present to become the past, so we can dwell on it...
Completely missing THE moment...
Get lost in the moment, don’t let time pass you by, before you know it will be time to leave it behind…
“Tick Tock”, says the clock, I hit the snooze button just one more time...
As I hold my breathe waiting for a moment, another one has passed...
Craving a desire which didn’t last because I was wishing pass it...
A missed experienced…
Robbed of emotions...
Just going through the motions…
The tempo of the linear puts a straight jacket on the soul, lost in its ocean of meaninglessness… Broken spirits are bounded to limits.
No winning back lost time.
Mourning, grieving, in vain, losing more time…
Every moment defined, to the inclined, even the sublime.
Defining what ought to be.
Chronological presence marked by society…
We are forever scarred...
The attention a reader places on the apparent misspelling of Derrida’s word “differance” demonstrates how language is merely a tool that the hegemonic power, which we will call the patriarchy, uses to construe their intended message of superiority over the inferiority of the masses. In order to defy language, Derrida creates his own system to infer his own message away from the patriarchal intent. He quaintly states, “this will refer irreducibly to a written text, a text governing my talk, a text that I keep in front of me, that I will read, and toward which I shall have to try to lead your hands and eyes” (122). The words of any language system imply definitive meaning, and the only reason it means anything is because we have agreed upon it. Language is a structured diagram of a hegemonic plan, first to establish power, and then to maintain it. As described previously by Saussure, the langue containing the parole. That is mainly why the majority are always misunderstanding each other, due to the miscommunication of language which interpretations do not belong to self, but of someone else.
Derrida profoundly points out that language is not a concrete substance that can be broken down to essential elements. Language takes you in a circle, back to the underlying message that is overly intended by a specialized system of langue, culturally influenced. Saussure's quote of, "In language there are only differences", resonates through Derrida’s text. A textual example in the “primordial” origin of the patriarchy is if you are not a whore, you are a good little girl controlled through their influence, confining and restricting, what is “right” or “wrong”. Whore is a powerful word that has scarred many women, and it still holds power, through making its intended point; the "secret" reason behind whoever created the word: stud/whore, man/woman.
Ironically, I am left speechless, in paralysis, until I figure out what’s next. For now I take a moment of silence, but all my thoughts still resonate with the sounds of The Patriarchy, there is no escaping it.
Is there?
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