Postmodern Culture

Everything you want to know about postmodernism, postmodernity, and postmodern culture. Your guide to achieving postmodern literacy from The Notorious Dr. Rog and the class of ENG 335 at Rollins College.

Friday, October 27, 2006

JOH 10/24


Tuesday's session was definitely interesting. Our discussions helped bring the theorists, particularly Derrida, into focus. It was good to get back to our natural rhythm again, get some distance between us and the bluepage marathon.

One concept that became very real for me during and following class was that of the Foucault's panopticon. The idea that observation operates ceaselessly is creepy but understandable, as our present century drives deeper into its voyeuristic tendencies - sinking further into the belly of capitalism and national/homeland security. The principle of power without confirmation is the key in this deal; the key to establishing, maintaining, and exerting power in the twenty-first century.

When entering a new environment as a leader in an alternative education setting, dealing with an at-risk population swelling with corruption, emotional instability, moral malnutrition, and the recurrent threat of violence, perception of power is vital. As an instructor, this power, when unconfirmed, creates a real feeling of security and comfort. This type of power typically lasts hours or days - never weeks or months. Soon the population, be it a classroom or entire wing, learns your true capacity to carry out discipline action on a level that would truly effect them. Then, one must rely upon other devices, other tools that create a perception of leverage.

I believe another form of panopticon in my working environment is achieved through delivery. Though a staff member may not have the authority to carry out disciplinary action, or better, have the power to motivate without the threat of discipline, the rapport they build and the corresponding reputation they develop empowers them to a greater degree than the ability to suspend them for a day, etc. With the proper delivery, a staff member has the ability to have their true power, their position, or staff-identity be maintained with a great deal of ambiguity - where students are unsure about their true title or "job" on campus, they gravitate to the staff member in times of need, and trust them enough to be effectively directed/redirected with limited defensiveness (nearly eliminating argument and/or threat of physical response).

Undoubtedly differing from Foucault’s version, this type of panopticon-like device enables for infiltration into the hearts and minds of kids who find little to trust, and less to care about. Noting all of this, the real KEY to this strategy is sincerity - without which one's panopticon inverts and they are immediately identified as full of shit.

See you next week ...


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