Postmodern Culture

Everything you want to know about postmodernism, postmodernity, and postmodern culture. Your guide to achieving postmodern literacy from The Notorious Dr. Rog and the class of ENG 335 at Rollins College.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Captain PMS, Faucault

Captain’s Blog Stardate 10/24

I was going to write about Derrida but then I realized I don’t understand anything he is saying so my blog would be terribly unenlightening. So Foucault then.

I find Foucault’s theory about the confession of sexuality interesting. I remember when reality television first became a big thing with the premiere of The Real World. For the first two seasons of that show the big revelations seemed to revolve primarily about two subjects, race and sex. It came out that certain characters were gay or that people in the house had threesomes and everyone was fascinated. Now it seems those confessions are a dime a dozen, to use an expression that is as overplayed as the sexual confessions the roommates make to the camera in their private rooms. It seems like there isn’t anything shocking left for these people to say. We have become so desensitized to sexual confession that our society uses it as an excuse for our other peccadilloes. If anything happens to someone famous now we immediately discover they were molested as a child. If a celebrity relationship breaks up it is due to an affair or so-called sexual addiction. Public sexual confession has become a good source of entertainment in the last few years but is now one so overplayed that it has lost its scandalous tones. Perhaps we will finally see a decline in all this talk so we can all enjoy a really good piece of sexual gossip when we hear one instead of it just being yesterday’s news.


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