Steve-OH Derrida (e.g. Graphic Intervention) ?
Lets start off with a little Tmesis: What is the “intraf#$%*@#metaphysical effect of difference?”(C 136) The only comforting feeling I encountered while reading Derrida was when I came across a term or phrase from one of our previous scholars, if you would be kind enough to describe them as such…to me these guys could use there minds in the search of a more concrete or lasting endeavor. The further Postmodern Theory goes the less pertinence I find in the text, and this takes me back to Derrida and his notion of the defference…err…differance of differences (with an case you were listening to an audio essay which I’m sure will find its way onto Itunes very soon). What about the difference within and between other differences before we get to the differance...or the differances between differances (once again let me clarify with an A for all our auditory learners). Couldn’t we go on and on with the concept of Differance (With an A)? Its like taking a picture of yourself standing in between two mirrors…it looks as if the image can go on forever…or of watching a video of someone watching a video of someone watching a video…where does it end…Should it end?
I think it is important to look at the imagery of a pyramid…and ask yourself what was the purpose of these enormous above ground tombs…? I still believe that there is a mystery surrounding the purpose and use of these great structures, yet Derrida refers to them as if their “Being” is something tangible to use in an analogy of difference (with an E).
I think if you use the idea of “the play [jeu] of difference” (120) and think of Barthes notion of Jouissance, it can be inferred that this DifferAnce is the feeling found in the gap of explicit and the silence of writing an A instead of an E….in this “play of difference” (122).
Another concept found in the essay is MULTIVALENCE:
Differance can refer to the whole complex of its meaning at once, for it is immediately and irreducibly multivalent…(125).
Think of differAnce as a transparent layer coating a multivalent structure…the air we breathe….the light we see…and the invisibility of the air and light simultaneously… “the presence in its absence” (125).
Derrida also questions “the authority of presence or its simple symmetrical contrary, absence or lack”(126). This idea reminds me of Bejamin and his notion of the presence of the original being prerequisite…So in Derrida’s view, The presence of difference is prerequisite to the presence of differAnce or its lack thereof?
I hope this makes a little sense…but sorry if I confused anyone…I hope there is some clarification of the difference of my interpratation and the proper understanding of this text during class.
"I Hate a liar more than I hate thief
A thief is only after my salary a liar is after my reality" 50 Cent
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