Bloggrokker (Scott) Cixous
[begin rant]
Singular riffing? There is no singular riffing for anything Cixousular. If Helene Cixous believes masculine sexuality revolves around the singular signifier of the phallus and feminine sexuality is a multiple signifier spread throughout the body and capable of executing an "explosive return," I'll embrace my inner "feminine'"and riff not upon a singular statement but upon multiple statements from Cixous's essay "Sorties"--(stop/start)--"there is no invention possible . . . without there being in the inventing subject an abundance of the 'other'" brings to mind the serpent-headed Medusa of Greek mythology, a female inventress in her grotesque right, the serpents springing from her head representing the "other" of masculine sexuality, a coiling and hissing knot of phallic metaphors, and an inventress, yes, specifically a sculptress, creating sculptures with a mere look, and for the sake of techno-mythological fantasy, imagine Medusa currently wired up, uploading images of herself onto MySpace or YouTube, the webcam her weapon for recasting the world in silent sculptures, executing an "ill-Day-the-Earth-Stood-Still-esque"--(stop/start)--"by insisting on the primacy of the phallus and implementing it, phallocratic ideology has produced more than one victim" is an "explosive return" to the wired Medusa's "ill-Day-the-Earth-Stood-Still-esque," the "phallocratic ideology" solidified in the monolithic architecturalization of the World Trade Center, towering twins of shining glass-and-steel John Thomases, a primacy and implementation borne of phallocrats for the ends of phallocrats, specifically the economic and political domination and subjugation of supposedly weaker states, just as phallocentrism dominates and subjugates supposedly weaker signifiers, a phallocratic ideology seeing its temporary finish in an "explosive return" courtesy the madmen of Al-Qaeda, a temporary finish of medusoid intent, for a day producing far more than one victim blackened history, a day when a great deal of the Earth stood still resulted--(stop/start)--"bisexuality as a fantasy of a complete being, which replaces the fear of castration . . . the trace, therefore, of a dangerous and painful ability to be cut . . . a fantasy of unity" is, too, the phallocrats' ideological monolith of the World Trade Center, a "fantasy of a complete being" in its simultaneity as the singular World Trade Center and the plural Twin Towers, a paradox seen also in the day of the WTC's "castration," 9/11, the "11" is seen as twin "1's," two singulars symbolic of the Twin Towers, and also as twin "I's," two independent "selves," but still a connected set, the phallocratic WTC is a "fantasy of unity," and, as such, a "bisexual" entity, an entity whose fantasy suffered castration, whose "trace" of a "dangerous and painful ability to be cut" made the reality-leap on the day, 9/11, signifying its very inner bisexual split--(stop/start)--and so it remains unanswered if the WTC is a singular masculine signifier or a plural feminine signifier, or perhaps a bisexual shift occurred during the "explosive return," masculine, standing firm and erect, before the skyjacked Boeings hit, and feminine after the fall, the remains of the WTC spread throughout the body of the city, like the crumbled remnants of smashed gargantuan medusoid sculptures.
[end rant]
Dude. Put down the po-mo and back away slowly. o_0
After reading your post about 20 times, I think I may have gotten the gist of it now, but please let me know if I'm wrong. So what you're saying is that the primacy of the phallus is what led us to the WTC attack (in that the phallocentric ideology venerated its shape and purpose, thus enabling it to be built)? And in its fall, the phallus becomes feminine? So what was originally masculine becomes feminine only after it falls, after it is destroyed? I'm not sure if I agree with the second part of that statement, then. Although I do really like how you used "gargantuan medusoid sculptures." Has a nice ring, y'know?
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