Postmodern Culture

Everything you want to know about postmodernism, postmodernity, and postmodern culture. Your guide to achieving postmodern literacy from The Notorious Dr. Rog and the class of ENG 335 at Rollins College.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

JOH 11/07

Isn't it interesting that within 48 hours of our last session the House (and Senate?) flipped, Rumsfeld resigned, and Ed Bradley died. I'm convinced ROG has deeper ties than we've considered. I will increase surveillance. ROG now feels creepy. No pictures, no audio. Just good ol'fashioned intelligence.

Government and media, influence and television philosophers. Participating in these PoMo classes creates an experience similar to when you are into a certain car, shoe, show, or whatever, and suddenly you see that something everywhere. Many stones are being turned over for us - so much more to be dug out. Damn I wish for a couple more minutes here or there ... but that's my problem. Later I say, later.

Our discussion of Bourdieu's theories made me notice so much more of the conversations going on at work, between the adults and the kids. It's amazing what the majority grab onto. I hear conversations surrounding entertainment and politics and the participants are so convicted, so convinced that they know what this or that deal is. Those television philosophers, not to say the program directors, are real good at what they do. I'm sure others might relate to the bewilderment that accompanies considering how absolutely wrapped up in the significance of what Bourdieu deems artificial. I can certainly claim responsibility for tripping into the tar pit of needless considerations (sometimes worry) regarding the most insignificant crap.
But then I swing back, closer to my operating state, where I could give two yeps for nearly anything the media has to serve. SO MANY stay in the circus. Imagine, there are, which interestingly, we can be certain, there are admirers Fox's craft-master:
**** Reverend Geraldo Riv.! ****
Somewhere, someone, who MUST be interesting, hangs on the Reverend's every word. "You can't seriously doubt him," they say, "he's dropping the true S" they exclaim! He's dropping it, that's for sure. Is it PoMo to think that the raised eyebrows and Sam Elliott stash come off in one piece with his nose? That sneeky devil.


Blogger Notorious Dr. Rog said...

I AM watching, says the Panopticon.

8:12 AM  

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