Cindy 8/26
I had a little computer trouble this week, so I am very sorry for posting a day late. I promise it wont happen again. Moving on, I found the first class very interesting. I also see this semester as a challenge as well. I am very interested in the idea of culture building on top of itself. And also about how each part of society adds to the general culture. I find it fascinating how we each contirbute to the culture, even if it is just how we live our lives. I am looking forward to this class because everyone in it brings a unique persepctive and life expierences to our discussions. From what I understand, this is a huge part of postmodernism.
Two things: after class, post your name with the date of the class, so it should be Cindy 8/22. 2) Write more--at least 250 words--dig deep.
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