Postmodern Culture

Everything you want to know about postmodernism, postmodernity, and postmodern culture. Your guide to achieving postmodern literacy from The Notorious Dr. Rog and the class of ENG 335 at Rollins College.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Captain PMS, 11/14

Captain’s Blog Stardate 11/26

Currently Deep Thunder is in our kitchen explaining feminism to his eight-year old daughter. He is much more diplomatic on the subject when presenting it to her. You should hear his definition of the patriarchy, it’s downright enlightening.

The class with the experiment was interesting to me because of the extreme differences of opinion within the class. I always think it illuminates some of our societies helplessness when you see how differently twenty people can feel after experiencing the same event. Its all in your perspective. I can side with no one in the class’s opinion because my perspective is unique, as is each of yours. How can we do anything except acknowledge all of our differences and agree to disagree. The most interesting thing about the class to me though, was the fact that we have discussed some of the most sensitive issues such as, race, politics, and religion, and nothing has heated up the room like the basic differences between men and women. The subject just inspires debate because we can never understand the perspective of the other. We cannot possess hormones that we don’t, and the fact is we are very chemically driven. It is as difficult as asking a duck to feel like a penguin when he has never even seen the snow. Or something. Whatever, you think of something better. Penguins and ducks…that’s what it boils down to for me.

Well on that brilliant little gem I’m off. I always say leave them with a bang.

Beam me up ROG. I’m out.


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