Deep Thunder- 11/14- The Estrogen Revolution
OK, ladies, I’m sure that you would like me to admit that after this class experiment I am enlightened as to how you feel as women being silenced. Um, sorry, but, not so much. What me and the other men (all fine specimens of manly manliness, I might add) learned from this experiment is that being instantly and completely marginalized is a horrible thing to live through and that power can corrupt in an amazingly short period of time. For you ladies that were surprised at our reaction, please take the phallo-logo-centrism out of the equation here, you would have acted the same way. In addition, it was our last class to discuss anything and although I appreciate Dr. Rog’s genius, the timing was bad.
Also, I must say that I am disappointed in a few things, Ladies. For one, you were entirely too happy to oppress. One of you “others” even asked if you should let the men speak at all, recommended that you “take a vote on it.” How democratic of you. And the anger that you let fly at us was a bit unwarranted as we do not sum up the patriarchal control apparatus; we are just as subject to it as you are.
I have to add that through the experience of the class I have gained tremendous insight into reality as we know it, and even though you (my classmates) never show up for the study groups you announce, I have enormous respect for your intelligence and insight (even you, ladies j/k). I think that we have moved far beyond the party, sex, and racial lines and identified our common interests and needs. If we could teach this to the world, perhaps, we would not sound like such freaks when we attempt to discuss these topics outside of class.
I wish you all the very best.
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