TyG – Foucault – The Panoptic Classroom
As this blog is waaaay belated, I have the luxury of scanning back over other entries:
“On my honor, I have not given, nor received, nor witnessed any unauthorized assistance on this work.”
Uh-oh, did someone already discuss this angle of things? If so, am I in violation of the Rollins Academic Honor Code? What if the repetition is inadvertent or sub-conscious on my part; what if I simply don’t REMEMBER a point being made before me: am I still guilty? Dare I go on? Will I be pilloried for an innocent mistake?
George Orwell’s Big Brother, as was definitely mentioned before by
Now, don’t misunderstand me; I believe the concept behind the AHC is commendable. But does it go over the edge in drafting all students into service for the hegemony? I, for one, was not offered a choice in this matter when I “signed up” – does this situation mirror that of working at a business that changes hands here in Florida, a Right to Work (right to be fired!) State – “either sign this new non-compete document, or hit the road, Jack”? Why can’t I simply promise to watch out for MYSELF, to not give or accept any “unauthorized assistance”? Who am I to judge what is or is not “authorized” in someone else’s behavior? More importantly, what about a paranoid and inexperienced zealot who brings havoc into my life by “witnessing” my “violation”? What about misinterpretation? Maybe I was asking someone for a date, or telling them their fly was open... do I now have to go through the embarrassment and aggravation of explaining my actions? Why can’t I simply be treated as the adult I am, and TRUSTED to do the RIGHT THING without copying a pledge onto every assignment?
We are presumed innocent in our society; this mandated “good citizenship” tilts the scale towards the presumption of guilt: we must all carefully scrutinize our neighbors, because we expect them to be doing wrong. This creates an unhealthy and paranoid environment – even if you know you’re not cheating, you must now take extra care not to cross the line into even the appearance of rule-breaking.
Michel Foucault is alive and well and directing traffic from the panoptic tower on Holt Avenue.
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