Deep Thunder- Judith Butler
“Perhaps there is an opportunity at this juncture of cultural politics, as period that some would call ‘post feminist’, to reflect from within a feminist perspective on the injunction to construct a subject of femininism.” – Judith Butler
Thank you, Judith. While we’re at it, could we please admit that we now live in a post-phallo-centric society, that the patriarchy has been rejected not only by women (if we can identify them as only one group) but also by men, and in this case, there is no longer a masculine mechanism to rebel against, and the one that did exist did not contain all of our forefathers. Many women (especially here at Rollins) seem to be ‘fighting the power for their rights. Awesome. So long as they realize that most of the abominable things that some men have done throughout history do not define us as men any more than it defines women. I might also note that feminism and equality may be considered an aura (big ups to Dr. ROG) and not an era, and that these virtues were around long before the French feminism and the American and British schools to follow.
And let me digress for a minute. If language consists of sets of opposites (i.e. something is what it is not- de Saussure), then what are the ‘men’ who were (and are) not part of the masculine oppressive apparatus to be called? They are not men, for they certainly did not take part in the activity, but they are not women, either. It is as ridiculous to assume that men have a collective oppressive consciousness as it is to assume that all women think and want the same things as each other. So ladies, It’s not the 1900s, we ‘men’ at Rollins have done little if anything to oppress women, so please put away your angst and lets work together in evolved androgyny.
P.s. Make me a pie.
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