MC- Post Class Post For Another Class I Think I Missed
I have never been so sorry for being so disorganized with my blog postings in all my life. You think reading postmodern literature was hard, try punching out tardy blog postings in an afternoon of waning lucidity.
On my way to my Public Relations internship on campus, I drove behing a Toyota truck that branded a bumper sticker which read:

Thank you, 700 Club. As if we needed another absurd bumper sticker to gussy up our vehicles.
I'd like to take apart this sign, a la Dr. Rog, DeSaussure and every other postmodern theorist we've studied thus far.
MARRIAGE. It's in all capital letters implying power, absoluteness and a scary kind of impending doom (at least, for me anyway). What's the first thing that pops into your head when you think MARRIAGE (not marriage or Marriage, mind you)? Responsibility? Sanctity? Entrapment?
Then we have an equals sign that transforms this sentence into a mathematical equation. MARRIAGE, here, must be the sum. The sum of what? The sum of two figures: the figure of a man added, with a plus sign, with the figure of a woman (we know this, because she's wearing a dress and has longer hair). The sign of a man, which reminds me of the figures on a restroom door. What does he mean? When you add him with a woman doesn't that usually imply children are procreated? Let's look closely at the figure of the woman. Let's say this little figure cut her hair and wore a set of pants, then this sign would look more like a man. Then what does the sign mean? A man-looking woman plus a man-looking man will equal marriage.
We could also analyze the position of all these signs, MARRIAGE comes before the figures of the man and the woman and the addition sign. Does this mean MARRIAGE comes before a couple? Could someone interpret this as arranged marriages. And also, we could consider the author of the sign. We have two pieces of information at the bottom: The 700 Club and a website address. What does that mean? Who is the author of this bumper sticker and does this alter the meaning of the sign? Let's say we were to take out that information, leaving the equation intact. Does this mean the driver of the car is the author of the equation? Can it hold any more meaning without being affliated with the 700 Club.
It's amazing how we, let along the driver of the car, place so much emphasis on tiny, shapes and signs that can alter significantly with a few alterations.
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