PetalswiththeWind 11/07/2006
Newsflash coming to you live here from Central Florida, “We’re In The Dark!”
Media is used as a presence to keep hegemonic ideologies intact. With this presence forever perpetuating itself through broadcast promulgation, citizens embody and reflect the permeated hegemonic mindset. This limits individuals within society from thinking on their own, and prevents them from finding new ways of doing things, leaving them with the only choice of replicating the culturally set precedent. Bourdieu speaks about the affects of the psychosis of hegemony, “Things happen that nobody wants but seem somehow to have been willed” (329). He calls it, “the danger of simplistic criticism”. The hegemony only wants its citizens staring long enough just to glance at the broadcast or headlines of the media, in order not to see past their camouflage. The Media points only to the parts of reality too obvious to hide, thus, partial truths are amplified to a whole within its entirety. Since there are fake particles mixed in with the one real cell of actual reality, as Baudrillad advises in his theory; suggests society should wait for more parts of the whole to come in focus in order to accurately assess bigger pieces of the picture and then start to consider several possible hypothesizes. Not just the obvious one dimensional signs that stimulates only a small percentage of their brains that the media “sells”;without being aware of the innumerable dimensions surrounding their language that keeps people in the dark oblivion, which is the present state of existence. With the hegemonic power subverted through the media, one’s mind goes into a lull of nothingness that the signs of consciousness from all media bring to a head. The depoliticization of society is a way for the leading dominant influences to neutralize the power of their competition, who in turn are their very own suppressed citizens.
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